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程广云 (进入专栏)  








(2008年11月30日-12月4日,作者在法国里昂二大参加由国际跨文化研究所和法国里昂二大主办的“全球治理”[Global Governance]跨文化国际研讨会。这是作者12月1日下午英文演讲的中文稿件)

Three definitions of Harmony——Cheng Guang-yun

Recently, such ideas as "harmonious society", "harmonious world", and "harmonious culture" etc. are being thoroughly advocated, which contain at least three-ply implications: firstly, the philosophy of harmony discards the philosophy of struggle, carries the philosophy of development forward, and is gradually becoming the mainstream of political philosophy. This is a great advance of Marxism in building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Secondly, some Chinese traditional thought resources are renewedly discovered in the conception “harmony”, which is a core concept of Chinese tradition. The ideal of Chinese traditional culture is “Harmony without Sameness”. Finally, the idea of harmony embodies the spirit of the times in the era of globalization. Based on the theory of “harmonious society”and “harmonious world”, the advance of “Rise for Peace” further promotes the strategic thinking of “peace” and “development”. If the harmonious society and harmonious world are the possible prospect that people construct in the actuality of globalization, the harmonious culture is the very sum of all the significance, value, ideal and so forth in construction of the possible world, and the concentrated embodiment of advancing Chinese traditional culture in the era of globalization.

What “struggle” represents is a dualistic society and a dualistic world, but what “harmony” represents is a pluralistic society and a pluralistic world. Certainly, as far as the proposal of “dualistic society” and “dualistic world” is concerned, it doesn't mean that harmony has come true, but evinces that as an ideal, people are trying to avoid the situation that our society and our world would be destroyed in various conflicts and battles. Therefore, the significance of “harmony” could be well understood only from the intention of proposing it, or fully elucidated from its negative opposite---conflicts.

Thereby, we are inclined to describe harmony as such a state of society, in which clashes of opposing forces or conflicts will tend to minimize; and we are also inclined to describe this conflict-minimizing as an interval; its upper limit is zero-conflict state of society, and its lower limit is controllable state of society.

Of course, in this description, we should also pay sufficient attention to the modes of social control. The modes of social control generally consist of hard control and soft control. Both are usually intersectional and overlapped in the implementation of politics. Under different social-cultural constraint conditions, the proportions for their combination are different. Generally speaking, the smaller the conflict, the greater the leading role that the soft control will play; the bigger the conflict, the greater the leading role that the hard control will play. Obviously, harmony does not mean the dominating type of hard control, but the dominating soft control. Compared with the hard control, the soft one has a certain kind of flexibility or compatibility. If we amend the first kind of explanation with the second one, we could draw such a definition that harmony means a certain state of society, in which clashes of opposing forces or conflicts will tend to minimize. The conflict-minimizing is located in an interval: from the zero-conflict state of society to the soft-control state of society with fewer conflicts. This is within its interval range of positive value. And from the hard-control state of society with greater conflicts to zero-control state of society is its interval of negative value.

However, harmonious society and harmonious world is not static but dynamic. Hence, to minimize social conflicts and hard-control and to achieve soft-control must be based on the premise of social development and devoted to the sustainable development of society. Therefrom, we would draw such a supplementary definition: harmony means a certain state of society, in which clashes of opposing forces or conflicts will tend to minimize, the conflict-minimizing is not a barrier of social progress, but even a mighty driving force. The former is the bottom line, while the later is the top line. Zero-development is not harmony, instead, the sustainable development is genuine harmony. The overall planning and all-round consideration and balanced development in all kind of fields, namely, economy, environment, population, resources and society etc., are the very essence of comprehensive, harmonious and sustainable development.

Hard-control is the control in the form of political power and even political violence, but soft-control is the control in the form of cultural awareness and even cultural mentality. Thereby, some elements of harmonious culture are inherently included in the definitions of “harmony”. In other words, constructing harmonious culture is necessarily the outcome of constructing harmonious society and harmonious world on the one hand; meanwhile constructing harmonious culture is the necessary condition of constructing harmonious society and harmonious world on the other.

To sum up, our proposed question is not the necessity of harmony, but the possibility of harmony. How could a harmonious society be possible? And how could a harmonious world be possible? Our answer is: the so-called harmonious society, or the harmonious world, will be the one that not only makes the conflicts minimized, but also makes coexistence, common understanding and recognition possible; that is to say, that harmonious society, harmonious world and universal values appeal to the maximization of the World, and inherently include some elements of harmonious culture. By the way of defining the concept, both problems of harmonious society, harmonious world and of harmonious culture, universal values seem to melt into one another.

Translated by Zhang Qi(张起)

Revised by Yu Jiang-xia(于江霞)

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