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程广云 (进入专栏)  






(2007年3月5-7日,作者在中国社会科学院参加由国际跨文化研究所和中国社会科学院主办的“治与乱”[Order and Disorder]跨文化国际研讨会。这是作者3月7日下午英文演讲的中文稿件)

The right of resistance: legitimacy and limits

Cheng Guang-yun

1. "Resistance" For this, I give the following description: (1) It is an act that neither involves organisms activities such as animals, plants and microbes, etc.and inorganic life movement, nor involves in a state of virtual ghosts and so on. (2) It is an act of the people. While we are talking about the nature of the "resistance", the fate of the "resistance", and so on.. I will limit to their interpersonal behavior. And individuals between two acts will be set for n-type individuals and 2~n collectivities (such as the clan, family, nation and the state, etc.) of the simplified model to explore. (3) It reflects an asymmetry interpersonal relationship. If two individuals are in a symmetrical relationship, they will be mutual strength until one of them to be the winner instead of among the game against anybody. (4) It is a powerful act of the weak. In a given set of parameters and constraints, the asymmetry of the possession and use of comprehensive resources such as material, energy and information leads to imbalance two parts: The strong and the weak (strength is not unchangeable, but variable). Resistance is not an act of the strong against the weak, but the contrary. (5)It has a precedent act of its own. It is the oppression towards the weak that results in the resistance of the weak. In other words, the resistance is not "pre-emptive", but "reactive".

2. We must distinguish between "resistance" and "uprising", "revolution" (This article will not explore two semantic differences, broadly speaking, "uprising" somewhat junior, and the "revolution" were sort of the more senior). Although the uprising and revolution often originates from resistance, resistance from converging, but they has to be strictly clarified: (1) resistance can be both an individual's behavior and that a group of behavior; whereas uprisings, revolution inevitable resort to groups. (2) Even if some resistance can achieve some sort of social mobilization, community mobilization remains weak; And uprisings, revolution inevitable resort to strong social mobilization. (3) Weak social mobilization is a spontaneous act, which is based on the same plight of people's living; and strong social mobilization is conscious that it needs an intermediary of a certain ideology (legitimacy verification such as "the fate of heaven" and "God's will", "natural rights" and "historical law") -- This is the most fundamental and most important distinction between the two concepts. (4) They have two different purposes: the resistance is only concerned with the situation of survival, and the uprising, in particular, the revolution points at the economic, political, cultural and social order. (5) They have two different results: the resistance is the bottom line defending survival, while the uprising, in particular, the revolution subverts the economic, political, cultural and social order. History has proved that confusing the definition of "resistance" and "uprising", "revolution" often goes in the opposite direction. Only people's resistance of defending the survival can amount to some right and will have some reasonable reason. Instead the uprising, the revolution of subverting the economic, political, cultural and social order can only pose certain rights, was one reason when people's living situation is indeed worsen and need of improvement. In other words, the exercise of people's legitimate right of survival and resistance is the most important criterion to test the reasonability of uprising and revolution.

3. However, the resistance is not the first choice of the weak to defend their own survival against the strong’s oppression. In normal circumstances, people often choose intolerance. Just as Shakespeare’s well-known "Hamlet Problems", the basis of "intolerable" and "resistance" (“struggle" -- in fact, the struggle includes resistance, but not limited to resistance) is to present the “noble” rather than others. There is no implication of any "religious" or "scientific" ideological element. It is deeply rooted in the brilliant aesthetics of human nature. There are a number of intermediate between the two acts. A certain ideological element will be the result of an act of any mobilization, which develops into a social movement. However, the rational behavior follows the principle of minimum price / utmost interests. Only when normal behavior (tolerance) is futile, resistance this extraordinary behavior have its legitimacy. Similarly, only when institutional activities (such as political reform, modified, etc.) are null and void, the uprising and revolution— a system of non-institutional and anti-institutional acts has its legitimacy (in fact, there are a number of intermediate behavior to be taken into account. For example, in invalid cooperation, it is not bound to accept the violence, an intermediate act of non-violent non-cooperation should be taken into account). So, here there is a dictionary sequence of conduct legality: the latter act can have its legitimacy only under the impossibility of the former.

4. Since the bourgeois revolution, the resistance gradually becomes a basic human right. Declaration of Independence in the United States defines the existence of basic human rights: "We hold this truth to be self-evident; that all men are created equally, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and pressure of happiness.’’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights in France seeks to impose the right of resistance in the basic human right: "The aim of all political association is the preservation of the natural imprescriptible rights of men. These rights are liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression." The right of resistance and the right of survival are contrary and complimentary. Both belongs to the basic human rights. The survival includes two basic levels: First, he/she has the right of existence and continuation as common lives of animals. Second, his/her personality should be secured as special animals. People have the right to live and have the right to live as human beings. Even when he/she died, he/she still has the right to enjoy human dignity. The personality belongs to individuals, but in essence the dignity belongs to the whole mankind. Therefore, as long as there is oppression, exploitation, slavery; as long as human rights are being violated, and Intolerable, people have reasons and rights to implement resistance, in order to safeguard their own survival. Resistance is concerned with people’s survival. This is the legitimacy of the right of resistance (this is not the law of man, but the law of nature or ration) as well as its limitation. In a modern civilized society, the overwhelming majority of countries has recognized the right of resistance and legalize (such as self-defense, the right of resistance which reflect right to protest such as speech, publication, assembly, association, procession, demonstration, and strike). The reason is very obvious: When law fails to protect people’s right of survival at certain time, in certain place and under certain condition, people should be given the right of resistance. However, the exercise of the right of resistance can not exceed the bottom line of defending its own right of survival and should do everything possible to fulfill the obligations and responsibilities of intolerance. Otherwise they will lose the legitimacy of the exercise of their rights.

5. In terms of legitimacy of right of resistance, there are two tendencies among various schools of political philosophy. One is to deny the legitimacy of resistance, such as Hobbes; the other is to recognize the legitimacy of the resistance, such as Locke, Rousseau etc. This trend also has differences (the so-called Liberalism arguments in both English and French). In fact, the key issue is the distinction of the boundaries between resistance and uprising, revolution through social mobilization of ideological intermediaries and the basis for legitimacy of the latter under the former. Among all forms of oppression, the oppression of public power against private right is most serious. Therefore, in all forms of resistance, resistance of the private right against the public power is utmost important. Protection of the private sphere and boycott the public violations -- this is the essence of right of resistance (or the so-called civil disobedience). Now, such issues as the right of resistance and its legitimacy and limits should be considered not only in social systems, but also in systems in the world. In fact, within certain limits, to achieve the legalization of the right of resistance is an essential element to achieve social justice and harmony. As to the institutes or institutional systems, it is the wisest who put strength of resistance on its own into strength of consolidate its own.

Translated by Zhang Ke(张珂)

Revised by Yu Jiang-xia(于江霞)

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