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是谁 发出了秘密的呼喊/从至深的深渊 到绝顶的峰顶/升起了一轮青春的太阳//伟大就是孤独/孤独忍受痛苦/从痛苦中散发的光辉/照亮了整个宇宙//去公开地存在/去透明地思想//也许 会有千万个孩子/追赶我们的太阳/这唯一的 不朽的 青春的偶像/气象万千 孩子就是太阳//去公开地存在/去透明地思想//把头颅悬在天空/将身体撒向海洋/从渴望中生长的竹林/覆盖了辽阔土地//河畔 从此岸到彼岸/青春的力量/就是飞渡的桥梁















Dean’s Remarks——Putting Academy First, Being All-inclusive

As the first dean of the Department of Philosophy at Capital Normal University, I have a dream: to establish the department under the guideline of Cai Yuanpei’s educational idea and practice with which he inaugurated Beijing University, to make our department an important academic metropolis of “putting academy first” and “being all-inclusive”.

In the educational history of our country it is said that there are “two and a half educationalists”—the “two” are Confucius and Tao Xingzhi, and the “half” is Cai Yuanpei. Confucius, who represents the idea and the practice of Chinese traditional education, is most influential; Tao Xingzhi, endowed with Chinese characteristics, represents the intention of civilian education; while Cai Yuanpei represents the intention of elite education, whose idea is most modern. In his “Speech on the inauguration of the President of Peking University”, Cai Yuanpei said, “University is the place to research the profound knowledge.” This idea of establishing the university reflected on his principle of running the Peking University, namely, “putting academy first”, “professor governing the university”, “teaching freedom” and “being all-inclusive”. All the above is the truth for us to understand the spirit of the university.

“Putting Academy First”

What is “putting academy first”? It means that the academic idea is the spirit of the university. The most important role of the faculty to the students is not to impart knowledge and indoctrinate thoughts, but to infuse the academic reason and research questions. (Hu Shi in his the Meaning of the New Thoughts advanced “research questions and infuse the academic reason in order to clean up the cultural legacy and reproduce our civilization”).

“Infuse the Academic Reason”

What is “academic reason”? Infusing the academic reason is not simply to impart knowledge. If knowledge is understood as all sorts of facts of “know-what” and the causes of “know the ground”, skills as applied knowledge or knowledge application, the logical form contributed to all the fact judgments and value judgments is called academic reason. Infusing academic reason is not simply equal to imparting thoughts. Academic reason does not refer to thoughts themselves, but the way to the thoughts. Everybody has thoughts, and he shows his positions and views anytime and anywhere, while only scholars have academic reason. The naïve thoughts which are intuitive and supposing had played certain roles in the early times of the human being, but today they don’t have much meaning and value. Under the background of the academic reason, free thoughts could be more charming.

“Research Questions”

What are “questions”? Not all “questions” are questions. The real questions are existing worthwhile questions longing for answers. The academic reason is about researching questions. Only by applying the academic reason, can one find questions, analyze and even resolve them. Without the academic reason it is even unable to find questions, say anything of the analysis and come to the solution. The validity of one person to become a teacher or work as a teacher is not in his possession of more knowledge and thoughts than students, but in his better mastery of the academic reason to research questions. It is possible that no one—whether teachers or students—knows the so-called standard answer to a question. But comparing with students, teachers ought to know how to analyze it and reach several possible answers. The method to choose a best answer to a question is also the ability of teachers.

Infusing the academic reason and researching questions compose the study and the way to study (the way to find, analyze and resolve questions). The principle of “putting academy first” is the precondition of the “professor governing the university” and “teaching freedom” principles.

“Professor Governing the University”

Professors are appointed under the principle of “putting academy first”. If they are appointed regarding their positions, titles and targets, to say “professor governing the university” is nonsense and impracticable. Concerning the relationship between the academic power and the administrative power, “professor governing the university” advocates that the running model of the university should transfer from the administrative domination to the academic domination. Political officials governing the university or the businessmen managing the university is incompatible with the spirit of the university. “Professor governing the university” does not mean that they become political officials, nor that they conduct financial transactions. If so, such kind of governing is only the transformed way of political officials governing the university (or the businessmen managing the university). It is disadvantageous to the academic development. “Professor governing the university” makes professors the incarnation of the study. They would establish the academic system in line with the academic standard and change the running model of the university resource. The academic power should be superior, and the administrative power auxiliary. Study should dominate teaching and research, while administration should serve teaching and research.

“Teaching Freedom”

For some people speaking of “teaching freedom” means nothing but a liberalistic educational principle, which is understood as that teachers talk anything they want in the classroom. The fact is, “teaching freedom” is also restricted by the principle of “putting academy first”. What is imparted in the classroom must be for the sake of “study”. It is only in the academic field that teachers enjoy full freedom. The classroom of the university is neither a place to infuse any ideology (right or left), nor a place simply to impart a kind of knowledge (the ability to live or the way to make a fortune or promotion). It must display the academic meaning and value. In some sense study is neutral in value or transcending the utility, i.e. it is neither an ideology nor a living technique. Only the study is the standard, can scholars display their dignity and professional brilliance as well.

“Being All-inclusive”

From “putting academy first” to “being all-inclusive”, the layout of the university is unfolded. The university is great because of its “being all-inclusive”: people of various knowledge background and inclination of thoughts come here from all over the world, and consequently form the academic prosperity naturally. The study of the university means “putting academy first”. We come together in the university from all over the world, aiming at academic study rather than physical existence, promotion or making a fortune.

The Validity of the Department of Philosophy

In the university what is the validity of the department of philosophy, namely the validity of the discipline and the major of philosophy?

Firstly, the university bears the function of transferring knowledge. Philosophy is the oldest but always renewable pedigree of knowledge. It has gestated the other pedigrees of knowledge; furthermore, its renewal has begotten the reflection of others. Undoubtedly, philosophy needs to be developed further. Its development provides grounds of the validity for the academic philosophy of knowledge-rebuilt or study-rebuilt model.

Secondly, the university bears the function of innovating thoughts. Of course, every discipline should and can reflect everything, while philosophy is sheer reflection comparing with other disciplines. It is the thought of thoughts. It is only in the philosophical field that the human thoughts show stronger penetration than the light. It provides grounds of the validity for philosophy of thought-rebuilt model.

Finally, the university bears the function of developing culture. Here “culture” is not the broad culture concerning all the human actions, but the narrow culture regarding the human life. Such culture can lead the fashion, transform the custom, even innovate the mind and change the times. Philosophy is the core of such culture. It provides grounds of the validity for philosophy of culture-rebuilt model.

An Ideal Outline of the Department of Philosophy

Thus, an ideal outline of the department of philosophy comes into existence led by academic scholars, with the study-rebuilt, thought-rebuilt and culture-rebuilt models as mainstays. If a department of philosophy has some learned, profound and painstaking scholars, accompanied with several insightful, enthusiastic and tasteful scholars as the public intellectuals engaged in the public life, this department is actually an important academic metropolis.

Our Department of Philosophy

Of course, the current situation of our department is still far from this goal. But we have reached some breakthroughs. As the founding of the Department of Philosophy, we have come into a new phase and formed a new pattern. It is both necessary and possible to go in this direction of an ideal university.

First, our core work is to form an academic group, making great efforts to take in and cultivate new talents. The historical experience and lessons taught us that the most decisive strategy was the strategy of talents. According to our own experience and lessons, we must break profit-power pattern; remove all the system obstructions in taking in talents. The academic standard is the first standard to discriminate the persons and promote the ones with ability. Under the condition of resource shortage, we rely on our own sincerity, arduousness and endurance to overcome the difficulties actively. Besides, we will break the existing system obstacle to attract talents with all kinds of forms.

Second, the fundamental work is the discipline building. We will try hard to promote the discipline. According to the existing discipline system, philosophy as the first class discipline includes eight second-class disciplines such as Marxist Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy, Foreign Philosophy, Logic, Ethics, Aesthetics, Religious Studies and Philosophy of Science and Technology. The original meaning of Marxist philosophy not only refers to the study of its tide and schools (if so, it will be a third-class discipline under foreign philosophy), but with a perspective from Marxist philosophy to study all other theories and practical problems (so it can have its validity as a second-class discipline, although there are other perspectives to study problems).Chinese philosophy and foreign philosophy (orient Indian philosophy, western philosophy) including three traditions of philosophy in the world (Western philosophy involves British-American philosophy and European continental philosophy traditions), are the grounds of the whole philosophy. We claim in the university, “Chinese literature, history and philosophy are equally important”, and claim in the department “Marxist, Chinese and foreign philosophy are equally important”. We put stress on these three disciplines, and at the same time support the development of Logic, Ethics, Aesthetics, Religious Studies, Philosophy of Science and Technology (Religious Studies is treated as a first-class discipline in other systems. Some universities set up a department of Religious Studies outside the department of philosophy, which is worthy of our consideration. Religious Studies may be promoted particularly). In addition, we will try to break the rampart of disciplines and develop some new ones.

Third, the groundwork is academic exchange. We will try hard to strengthen academic exchange, which will transfer from singular-discipline to cross-discipline, from interior system to exterior system, from national to international. For one thing, philosophy can engender some marginal disciplines and compositive disciplines in communication with other social or even natural sciences. There is the necessity and the possibility for exchanges and dialogues. Next, a kind of academic rush appears in China, which means high target, blind dictates and boastful exaggeration of the achievement, namely, the severe academic corruption. But still there are other better academic studies that are breaking the system restrictions. Finally, in the era of globalization and in an international metropolis, we not only endeavor in the direction of “the first-class department of philosophy” in China, but also prepare for our development to an international “first-class department of philosophy”.

Comparing with other departments of philosophy, we have some flaws, some of which are easier to overcome—we can strive for enlarging our dimension and developing our grade; but some disadvantages are hard to overcome—for instance, we are not in a key university without very long history and tradition. However, we have our own advantages; the foremost one is that, this is a young department of philosophy, full of energy, vigor, ideal and passion. We also have confidence and ability to make our department the representative of the advanced level in China, and an academic metropolis to unit with other countries. We have been continuing to pay out our painstaking efforts, tears and sweat for this goal.

On the course of our striving, everybody’s academic and personal traits have endured rigid test. Should we take the study as the method to get promotion or earn money? Or should we take the study itself as the goal? It is the principal standard to measure our academic virtue. Are we full of jealousy to the talents so as to maintain our own fame and gain? Or do we search for talents and give away to them for academic prosperity? It is the principal standard to examine our personality.

“The mountain cliffs stand a thousand feet, without desire one is strong; the sea collects hundreds of rivers, its capacity is great.” The former compares to the “study” (putting academy first), while the latter compares to “great” (being all-inclusive). Let be all urged by these words.

The following is a poem written by myself and read on students’ New Year Eve, which is attached here in honor of the founding of our department.

Our Department of Philosophy

You said, youth is the truth

Who let out a wordless cry

From the deep abyss to the peak

A youthful sun rises

Being great is lonely

Loneliness means agony

Blaze emits from agony

Lightens the whole universe

Be yourself

To think at will

Perhaps there are thousands of children

Chase after the sun

The unique immortal youthful icon

Vigorous Child is the sun

Be yourself

To think at will

Hang your head in the sky

Throw yourself into the ocean

Bamboos growing from aspiration

Cover enormous land

River from one shore to the other

Power of youth

Is the bridge to fly over

We respect the predecessors, at the same time we are fully confident of ourselves, but we pin more our hope on the subsequent younger scholars. We wish our department rapidly solidified with some young outstanding scholars, and cultivate many young outstanding scholars to the world.

I believe, the real academic giants, master of thoughts and cultural stars will appear in our department someday in the future.

For that reason, I believe, the founding of our department will become an academic event in the history.

Translated by Yu Jiang-xia(于江霞)

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