Voice From the East:The Chinese Theory of Justice
Huang Yushun
Translators: Hou Pingping & Wang Keyou
Paths International Ltd
Translators’Note iii
Preface iv
PartI The Chinese Theory of Justice
1 Advancing a Chinese Theory of Justice: The Political Effects of Confucian InstitutionalEthics on the Contemporary World——1
2 Re-constructing the Chinese Theory of Justice: Reflections on Institutional Ethics in Life Confucianism ——12
3 An Outline of the Chinese Theory of Justice——17
4 The Theory of Justice in Life Confucianism——47
PartII Confucian Theories of Justice
5 Confucius’ Theory of Justice——78
6 Mencius’ Theory of Justice ——111
7 Xunzi’s Theory of Justice——151
PartIII A History of Chinese Thought on Justice
8 People’s Sovereignty and its Principle of Justice: An interpretation of the Duke of Zhou’s Political Philosophy——179
9 The Significance of The Rites of Zhou in Modern Society: Interpreting the Concept ofSocial Justice in The Rites Of Zhou——210
10 Properness and Fitness of Norms and Institutions: AStudy of the Thought on Justice in Zhouyi——239
11 Establishing Norms and Institutions on the Basisof Benevolence and Promoting Political Reform on the Basis of Justice: Aninquiry into the Confucian Root of Legalism and its Variations Reflected in theBook of Lord Shang——267
12 The Idea of Justice of the HanEmpire and Its Enlightenment to Modern Society — AnInterpretation of the Concept yì义as “Justice” in BaihuTongyi ——301
13 Consistency of the Great Unification in China overThree Historical Periods——327
PartIV Contemporary Social Justice Issues
14 Confucianism and the Destiny of China: Commemoratingthe 90th Anniversary of the May FourthMovement——341
15 Crisis or Opportunity? Reflections on theRelationship between the Current Financial Crisis and the Confucian Principleof Justice——357
16 How Is “Global Ethic” Possible? QuestionsRegarding the Declaration Toward a Global Ethic and ConfucianEthics——361
17 l?礼and Life: A Speech onConfucianism in the Holy City Qufu ——373
PartV Appendices
18 A Letter in Reply to Professor X——383
19 Four Letters Concerning the Kin ConcealmentSystem——387
20 Confucian Ethics and Contemporary China: An Interview with Professor Huang Yushun——397
This book is the result of a co-publication agreement between Anhui People’sPublishing House (China) and Paths International Ltd (UK).
The publication of this book is sponsored by the Chinese Fund for theHumanities and Social Sciences (中华社会科学基金).
Voice From the East: The Chinese Theory of Justice
Authored by Huang Yushun
Translated by Hou Pingping & Wang Keyou
ISBN: 978-1-84464-358-5
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-84464-386-8
Copyright ? 2016 by Paths International Ltd, UK and by Anhui People’sPublishing House (China).
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by anymeans, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permissionof the publisher.
The copyright to this title is owned by Anhui People’s Publishing House(China). This book is made available internationally through any exclusivearrangement with Paths International Ltd of the United Kingdom and is onlypermitted for sale outside China and India.
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