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从现有的培根年谱和培根的著述目录来看,培根的《法律格言》(Maxims of The Law)很可能成书于1596年。但该书是否出版以及何时出版过,却没有可靠的史料证明。现在能看到的培根的法律格言主要是收录在培根辞世以后出版的《英国普通法要义》(The Elements of the Common Lawes of England)一书中的25条格言。培根把该书献给伊丽莎白女王时的献词写于1596年。但该书第一版出版时间乃是1630年,时隔近35年。剑桥大学出版社在2011年出版的培根的《法律格言》采用的版本是斯派丁(James Spedding)等人于1859年编定的培根全集第4卷中的内容。培根曾明确表示,他收集的法律格言有300条之多。但出版在该书中的只有25条。余下的275条却不知所终。在培根的其他著作中也能看到一些关于法律的精辟见解。这些见解散见于培根的大部头作品中,称之为谚语(Aphorisms)。培根于1596年写的《法律格言》是不是1630年出版的《英国普通法要义》中的内容?如果不是,那么1596年的《法律格言》所包含的又是哪些内容?没有收入的275条的下落如何?这些问题在历史上好像并没有太多人关心,到现在也没有任何答案。20世纪80年代加州大学戴维斯分校法学院的莫蒂默·D.施瓦茨(Mortimer D.Schwartz)教授和加州大学洛杉矶分校教育学院的访问教授约翰·C. 霍根(John C.Hogan)组织了一个研究团队,致力于寻找那下落不明的275条格言。遗憾的是,虽经认真努力,最后还是没有找到想要找的东西。两位教授将他们研究的成果写成两篇论文,分别发表在《法律图书馆杂志》第76和第77卷上。第一篇文章详细叙述了该项目的基本情况,并对培根以后出版的有关法律格言的著作作了一番梳理。第二篇将《英国普通法要义》中收录的25条拉丁语法律格言翻成英语,并作了简短的说明。











培根的这25条格言发表时只有拉丁语,没有对应的英语。在培根的其他著作中也没见到有这些格言的英文翻译。但是,培根对这些格言都用英语作了比较详细的解释。1630年版本中这些格言在目录和内容中的表述略有出入。霍根和施瓦茨在他们的文章中也有提及,但大体一致。比如,格言第20条,在目录中表述为“Actus inceptus, cuius perfectio pendet ex voluntate partium,revocari potesta;  si  autem  pendet  ex  voluntatae  tertiae  personae, vel excont-ingenti ,revocari non potest.”而在内容中则省去了“revocari”。1880年S.S.珮路贝特(S.S.peloubet)所著的A Collection of Legal Maxims in Law and Equity, with English Translations一书悉数收入以往法律格言集里面的词条,并做了逐条英译,其中包括培根的这25条。这大概是最早把这些格言翻译成英语的一本书。


Maxim 1: In jure non remota causa,sed proxima spectator.

英文:In law it is the immediate ,not the remote ,cause which is regarded.


Maxim 2: Non pstest adduci exception ejusdem rei , cujus petitur dissulutio.

英文:It is not permitted to adduce as a bar, in the same manner ,that which would dissolve the action. ( A plea of the same matter, the dissolution of which is sought by the action, cannot be brought forward. When an action is brought to annul a proceeding, the defendant cannot plead such proceeding in bar. )


Maxim 3: Verba fortuis accipiuntur contra proferentem.

英文:A contract is interpreted against the person who wrote it. Words are interpreted more strongly against their user.


Maxim 4: Quod sub cer forma concessum vel reservatum est , non trahitur ad valorem vel compensationem.

英文:That which is granted or reserved under a certain condition is not to be extracted according to value or compensation. ( That which is granted or reserved under a certain form, is not to be drawn into a valuation. )


Maxim 5: Necessitas inducit privilegium quoad jura private.

英文:Necessity introduces an exception into the rights of individuals. ( Necessity gives a preference with regard to private rights. )


Maxim 6: Corporalis injuria non recipit aestimationem de futuro.

英文:Bodily injury does not await the future for its evaluation. A personal injury does no receive satisfaction from a future course of proceeding. )


Maxim 7: Exusat aut extenuate delictum in capitalibus, quod non operatur idem in civilibus.

英文:There are extenuating circumstances in capital cases which do not operate in civil cases.


Maxim 8: Aestimatio praeteriti delicti ex postremo facto nunquam crescit.

英文:the value of a past offense is never increased by a subsequent act.(The estimation of a crime committed never increased from a subsequent fact. The weight of a past offense is never increased by a subsequent fact. )


Maxim 9: Quod remidio destituitur ipsa re valet si culpa absit.

英文:Whoever has been forsaken by a remedy, avails if he is without fault. (That which is without a remedy is valid by the thing itself,if there be no fault. That which is without remedy avails of itself, if there be no fault in the party seeking to enforce it. )


Maxim 10: Verba generalia restringuntur ad habilitatem rei vel personae.

英文:General words are restricted to the suitableness of the subject or person. ( General words should be confined to the character of the thing or the aptitude of the person. )


Maxim 11: Jura sanguinis nullo jure civili dirimi possunt.

英文:Rights founded in consanguinity cannot be destroyed by civil law. ( The right of blood and kindred cannot be destroyed by any civil law. )


Maxim 12: Receditur a placitis juris, potius quam injuria, et delictamaneant impunita.

英文:A departure from Placita juris is preferable to letting wrongs and offences go unpunished. ( We dispense with the forms of law rather than that crimes and wrongs should be unpunished. Positive rules of law will be receded from, rather than crimes and wrongs

should remain unpunished. )


Maxim 13: Non accipi debent verba in demonstrationem falsam quae competunt in limitationem veram.

英文:Words ought not be accepted in proof as false, when they are rightly suitable as limitations. ( Words ought not to be taken in a false descriptive sense which are competent to describe a true limitation. Words ought not to be taken to import a false demonstration which may have effect by way of true limitation. Words which agree in a true meaning should not be received in a false sense. )


Maxim 14: Licet dispositio de interesse futuro sit inutilis, tamen potest neri declaratio praecedens quae sortiatur effectum interveniente novo actu.

英文:Although the disposition of a future interest is pointless, a preceding declaration may be made, to take effect once a new eventhas occurred. ( Although the grant of a future interest be inoperative, yet a declaration precedent may be made, which may take effect, provided a new act intervene. )


Maxim 15: In criminalibus sufficit generalis maltia intentionis cum facto paris gradus.

英文:In criminal actions, it is sufficient if there is a general malice of intention with an act of equal degree. (In criminal cases a general intention is sufficient , when there is an act of equal or corresponding degree. In criminal matters or cases, a general malice of intention is sufficient,「if united」 with an act of equal or corresponding degree. )


Maxim 16: Mandata licita recipiunt strictam interpretationem, sed illicita latam et extensam.

英文:Delegation of authority should receive a strict interpretation ;but unlawful authority, a wide and extensive one. ( Schaeffer: Delegation of lawful authority is subject to strict interpretation, but orders to commit a crime are understood in the wider sense. Lawful commands receive a strict interpretation, but unlawful, a wide or broad construction. )


Maxim 17: De fide et officio judicis non recipitur quaestio , sed de scientia,Sive error sit juris Sive facti.

英文:The faith and duty of a judge are not subject to question, but it is otherwise of his knowledge either of law or fact.


Maxim 18: Persona conjuncta aequiparatur interesse proprio.

英文:A personal connection is equal to one's own interest.


Maxim 19: Non impedit clausula derogatoria, quo minus ab eadem potestate res dissolvantur , a quibus constituuntur.

英文:A derogatory clause does not prevent things from being abrogated by the same power which established them. ( A derogatory clause does not prevent the dissolution of things by the same authority or power by which they were constituted. A derogatory clause does not prevent things or acts from being dissolved by the same power by which they were originally made. )


Maxim 20: Actus inceptus, cuius perfectio pendet ex voluntate partium,revocari-potesta; si autem pendet ex voluntatae tertiae personae, vel ex contingenti non potest.

英文:An act begun, the completion of which depends on the will of the parties, may be revoked; but if it depends on the will of a third person, or on a contingency, revocation is not possible. (An act already begun, the completion of which depends on the will of

the parties , may be revoked. But if the act depends on the consent of a third person, or on a contingency, it cannot be revoked. )


Maxim 21:Clausula vel dispositio inutilis per praesumptionem remotam vel causam, ex post facto non fulcitur.

英文:A useless clause or disposition is not supported by a remote presumption or an ex post facto event.


Maxim 22: Non videtur consensum retinuisse si quis ex praescripto minantis aliquid immutavit.

英文:He is not regarded as having consented, if threatened by prescription from changing anything.


Maxim 23: Ambiguitas verborum latens verificatione suppletur , nam quod ex facto-oritur ambiguum verificatione facti tollitur.

英文:Hidden ambiguity in a text is corrected by verification, for a circumstance redered ambiguous in point of fact is made clear by the verification of the fact. 


Maxim 24: Licita bene miscentur, formula nisi juris obstet.

英文:Lawful things are properly mixed, unless a rule of law opposes it.


Maxim 25: Praesentia corporis tollit errorem nominis, et veritas nominis tollit errorem demonstrationis.

英文:Bodily presence cancels error in the name; the truth of the name cancels error of description.


培根的这些格言有些很有用,有些似乎已经成为历史。据说他的另一部法学短著《国际法格言或公正与法律的渊源》(Aphorismi de jure gentium maiore sive de fontibus justiciae et juris)写于詹姆士一世时期,失传已久,后于1980年被重新发现于英国德比郡的查慈华兹庄园。目前还没有看到汉译本。


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